Thursday, October 13, 2016

Santoys Wooden Cash Register with Calculator

I was really excited about getting this wooden cash register. My little girl loves going to the grocery store with me and even likes to help me check out at the self-checkout lane. I really like parts of it but I also wish that parts of it were a little different. This cash register is wooden and is painted nice primary colors. It doesn't have too many whistles and bells. It has a small calculator built into the wooden part that you can use as the keyboard and a white roll of register tape. The register tape is easily replaceable which is convenient. The way it is designed doesn't make it too easy to tear the paper. When I did the Blue wooden pieces sort of lifted up as well. The cash drawer manually opens easy and is large enough to have a bunch of play money in it.
I did notice that if you need to change the battery on the calculator you need to take the bottom of cash register apart. It's a bit inconvenient to be honest. 
I'm a bit torn on my overall thought on this cash register. It is exactly as it is described and for that I give it a thumbs' up. I wish it came with some play money. You can tell that it's just a simple calculator added to the structure and to me that looks a bit cheap. Other wooden cash registers I saw also come with a little scanner. I wish this register had that also. I've seen other wooden cash register's that seem to be a bit more realistic for either the same or less money.
 I haven't given it to my daughter yet because I'm still deciding if I want to give it to her for Christmas or use it as a gift for someone else.
I received this product for a discount. This however, is my personal, honest, and fair review.

Click here to see this product on Amazon.


  1. I like this, but think I would prefer one with painted wooden numbers, in place of the calculator, meaning all wood, with no electronics or batteries. But it is really cute, and I am sure my in home daycare kiddos would have a ball with one.

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